We think you should be in charge of your own future

Here’s what we believe…but we need your help to push for these goals

What do we believe in? Where do we stand? If you agree…join us!

If you don’t agree…we are still going fight for you to make choices for yourself and you family!

What initiatives does the Middletown CT Republicans support?


Connecticut residents face tremendous financial pressure through a combination of decades of tax increases and bad policies from Local and Statehouse Democrats. The cost of living is untenable, and residents deserve robust tax relief that would include reducing middle class income tax rates, reducing gas taxes, and eliminating the truck tax that will further increase the costs of food, and goods and services


Republicans will make our community safe. The State and Local governments have watered down our criminal justice system. Republicans will undo the Democrat-enacted barriers police face when performing their duties while ensuring not only criminals are held responsible for their actions, but victims’ voices are heard again.


Parents are the primary educators and disciplinarians of their children to which all other entities are inferior. The Family is the cornerstone and foundation of civil society. It’s daily lessons — cooperation, patience, mutual respect, responsibility, self-reliance that are fundamental to the order and progress of our National, State and Local Communities.
Strong families, depending upon God and one another, advance the cause of liberty by lessening the need for government in their daily lives. Conversely, as we have learned over the last several decades, the loss of faith and family life leads to greater dependence upon government. That is why Republicans formulate public policy, from taxation to education, from healthcare to welfare, with attention to the needs and strengths of the family.
Republicans are the party of independent individuals and the institutions who create together – families, schools, congregations, neighborhoods — to advance their ideals and make real their dreams.


People living paycheck-to-paycheck are struggling, sacrificing, and suffering. Government and its agencies are bloated. Taxpayer money has been wasted. Republicans will return self-determination to the people. Republicans are in favor of independent audits to investigate how billions of federal pandemic aid was spent. Republicans will hold government bureaucracies accountable by demanding data and result based metrics in budgetary and policy decisions. Republicans will shred the favoritism and cronyism that has taken hold of both the Middletown and the Connecticut State Government. Republicans will also fight to protect the integrity of our Election’s Process.


Who better to decide what’s best for our cities and towns than the men and women who are elected locally to represent them? On the State level, politicians at the Capitol think they know better how your town should run, favoring the agendas of professional advocates (lobbyists) to the concerns of citizens who say the majority party’s progressive ideas on planning and zoning, taxation and forced regionalization of schools lack common sense. Republicans will fight to protect local control in all areas of municipal governance, ensuring local property taxes are kept at the lowest rate possible, with most influential voice on issues being the people.


Republican views on abortion are rooted in the belief that an unborn child, like any individual, has a right to life that should not be infringed upon by others. Republicans oppose using tax money to promote or carry out abortions. However, Republicans support tax incentives for those who choose adoption over abortion. We aim to provide women with problem pregnancies with the resources and support they need.

The Republican Party of Middletown advocates for limited government, fiscal responsibility, and individual rights rooted in the Constitution. We emphasize freedom, self-reliance, self-determination, and a profound respect for life.

How can joining the Middletown CT Republicans benefit me?

Joining the Middletown CT Republicans means becoming part of a community that values responsibility, integrity, and other conservative principles. You’ll have the opportunity to participate in local events, influence local policies, and stay informed through our blog.

Why should I support the Middletown CT Republicans?

Support the Middletown CT Republicans, simply put, means more money in your pocket. It’s already your money; we believe you should keep and manage it. We support policies that help that happen. You can spend your dollars better than anyone else can.

How can I get in touch with the Middletown CT Republicans?

Getting in touch with us is easy. You can reach us by email at info@middletownctgop.org, or by filling out the contact form on our website. We’re here to answer any questions and welcome your involvement.

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  • Attend local Middletown government events
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